Wednesday, December 26, 2012

I see people are reading my blog. I'v seen many people with Orchid Chameleons.

Friday, December 21, 2012

Last time on Pirate101 Story: Now level 21, Luke Z cast a rank 4 storm spell and didn't fizzle! Is this his connection with his level 52 wizard form?


     "Why tittle my tin! That was a pottle full of fun!" ,said Luke Z. (A tittle is the dot on an i, and a pottle is a half-gallon.)
     "Huh?" ,said everyone but Luke Z., Gamma, and Luke B. Who just teloported.
     "Yes! It makes perfect sense! A tittle is the dot on an i, and a pottle is a half-gallon!" ,said Luke B. "Let's go to my house NOW! Its under attack! and I only have 30+ pets! Lets GO! *TELOPORT*
Luke BattleSwords house looked like he was at war! Cannons firing, ghosts howling, dogs biting, Infirmary full of pets.
     "*KRAKEN* *LIFE SCARAB* *STORMZILLA* *STORM ELEMENTAL MINION* *FAIRY MINION* *VAMPIRE* *LIFE BLADE* *LIFE TRAP* *DRAGONBLADE* *CURSE* *SPIRIT BLADE* *CENTAUR* *CRITICAL* OH YA 12,000 DAMAGE!" ,said Luke B., and Michael ShadowSmith in sync, who cast only vampire and curse, and had been there helping to fight off weird fly like things with cloaks.
     "Wow these things are tough!" ,said Michael.
     "Not to me." ,said Luke B.
     "Ya, cuz your level 52."
To be continued...

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Last time on Pirate101 Story: Quick Luke Zimmer had just defeated Fin and got a rare crowns pet. Now as level 20 he sets to find out just who this owl is...


     "ANNE!" ,said Luke. "STOP!"
     "Aw fine." ,said Anne.
     "Who are you anyway?" ,asked Luke.
     "Who am I?" ,said the owl. "Why, I'm Gamma The Owl!"
     "Where are you from?" ,asked Froggo Villa.
     "Ravenwood." said Gamma.
     "Wheres that?" ,asked Tall Tim.
     "Far far away in neverland..."
     "Huh?" ,said everyone.
     "Oops! Its from a whole other part of the spiral, and that part is getting taken over! Even Luke BattleSword needs you!"
     "Luke BattleSword sounds familiar..." ,said Quick Luke Zimmer.
     "He's your other form." ,said Gamma. "Lets go, theres no time to waist. TELOPORT!"

In Ravenwood many wizards roamed around not knowing of the danger that lies ahead...

     "We are now in Unicorn Way" ,said Gamma.

Gamma explains everything that they need to know to help. Gamma also gives them each a wand and tells them to listen to there heart in times of need.

     "F..F...FIRECAT! *fizzle* Help! ,screamed a level 1 wizard.
     "Aye!" ,said Luke Z. *Whoosh...Whoosh..Whoosh*
     "Huh?" ,said Luke Z. "KRAKEN!" *"OIIIIII!..OIIIIII!"BOOM*
     "WOW!" are you a Grand Master? ,asked the wizard.
     "Yes" ,Gamma cut off Luke Z.
     "GAMMA! WOW!" ,yelled the wizard. "I gotta tell my firends! TELOPORT!"

To be contiued...

Monday, December 17, 2012

For Christmas i'm making a Christmas, Pirate101 story. Here it is:


     On Christmas eve all thru the ship not a thing was stirring not even a pirate. "Jack!" Well maybe one or two.
     "Yes sir"! ,said Jack
     "MAN THE CANNONS!" ,said Luke.
     "Yes sir"! *creek...BOOM!*
     "Sir their mast is down!" ,said Tall Tim.
     "Good. Board them!..ATTACK!" ,said Luke. *Yar! Shing! Shing! Clang! RATATATATATATATAT! BOOM! Wooosh! BANG!*
     Quick Luke Zimmer front flips over the gap between the ships and lands in front of Fin. Luke cheap-shots Fin and hits him and criticals him, then he first attacks it hits Fin. Fin strikes and misses. With a criticled special move he takes him out!
     "RETREAT!" ,said Fin.
     Luke collects the gold and flys his ship away... BOOM! Fins ship starts to sink into the skyway.
     To Skull Island! Yar! ,said Luke.
     5 min. Later...
     "Aye, a pearl orchid pet... a crowns one. Princess Roxy?" ,said Luke. (Yes you can get this pet by defeating Fin it works best with Swb. I'll tell you more in my next posts. KI needs to make a pet name changer (500 gold) in P101.)
     "Egg nog?" ,said Nurse Quin.
     "Ew." ,said Luke and Jack.
     "I'll have some!" ,said Tall Tim.
     At that moment an owl comes flying in.
     "Help" ,said the owl. "Or i'm gonna be a Christmas dinner!" *RATATATATAT*

To be continued...

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Here is a link from Also the Orchid Chameleon is dropped by Fin Dorsal.

Happy pet hunting,

P.S. Not my Fin Dorsal!

Saturday, December 15, 2012

New Pirate101 Help Blog

Hello people,

I'm 6000T (Quick Luke Zimmer) the creator of this blog. This blog is for help only, no cheats. You may post glitchs, codes (ones that work and won't get people banned), hints, walkthroughs and locations. DO NOT put anything that is copyrighted on this blog! 6000T is my screen name for other games as well as W101 and P101. Please comment! If you are looking for Wizard101 Help. Go to Pirate101 Help's sister site located as a tab at the top of your screen.